It's that time of the year again where college freshmen are getting ready to start what hopes to be a great journey. As most of you know, college isn't cheap so saving money where you can is very important. A major area area where money can be saved is in the cost of textbooks. Based on my experience, buying a new set of textbooks every year is just a complete waste. The content of a new book isn't any better than a used book. "But I don't like reading pages that have been highlighted and written over!". I don't either and not all used books are in that bad of a shape where you can't read the text. I always tried to buy used books when I can and only buying new when I couldn't find a used book at the book store. I regret not taking advantage of online textbook retailers as there are a lot of options out there now.
If you're looking to save some money, I've provided a useful link below I found via Lifehacker.
The Complete Guide to Saving Money on Textbooks [Lifehacker]
Guide to College Financing for Students
6 years ago