Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Saving Money on Textbooks

It's that time of the year again where college freshmen are getting ready to start what hopes to be a great journey. As most of you know, college isn't cheap so saving money where you can is very important. A major area area where money can be saved is in the cost of textbooks. Based on my experience, buying a new set of textbooks every year is just a complete waste. The content of a new book isn't any better than a used book. "But I don't like reading pages that have been highlighted and written over!". I don't either and not all used books are in that bad of a shape where you can't read the text. I always tried to buy used books when I can and only buying new when I couldn't find a used book at the book store. I regret not taking advantage of online textbook retailers as there are a lot of options out there now.

If you're looking to save some money, I've provided a useful link below I found via Lifehacker.

The Complete Guide to Saving Money on Textbooks [Lifehacker]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Extended Hiatus

I can not believe how long it has been since my last post here and I apologize to those looking for new content and updates. I have been facing my own career crisis of sorts and have began dabbling in other hobbies to keep me sane. After a long hiatus from this site, I will try to throw some TLC this way and get some new content up.

In order for me to get focused I'd like to see what the readers want me to write about here. Please leave some ideas in the comments and I'll gladly take a stab at them.

In the mean time I wanted to provide a link to another great career site a friend started that I feel has some great content and input: