Credit cards can be a college student's best friend or their worst enemy. On one hand credits cards, used with responsibility, provide you the opportunity to begin building your credit score up that will qualify you for simple things such as cell phone accounts under your name and access to apartment leases. Unfortunately, credit cards can also lead many students down a dark path towards debt mentioned in an earlier article. I do believe that building your credit score up early is an essential way of transitioning into the working world. Even if you use it sparingly it will get you ahead of the credit score game and get you on the right path towards different financial options.
There are so many different credits cards from different banks, credit unions, and creditors that it can be headache just finding the right one. The credit cards I would recommend to anyone and not just college students are those that have no annual fee and a rewards program such as mileage or cash back. Certain credit cards provide 2% to 5% cash back on gas and groceries or miles rewarded for every dollar you spend and can be redeemed for round trip plane tickets. Below are a list of credit cards I would recommend to anyone looking to increase their credit score:
Chase Freedom Visa Card
2% on Supermarkets, Gas Stations, and Fast-Food Restaurants
1% off everything else
No Annual Fee
Citi Driver's Edge Platinum Select Master Card
6% on Supermarkets, Gas Stations, and Drugstores for the first year
3% on Supermarkets, Gas Stations, and Drugstores following the first year
No Annual Fee
Capital One No Hassle Miles Rewards
Earn 1.25 miles for every dollar you spend
Book Travel on any airline, any time, and no blackouts or restrictions
No Annual Fee
Guide to College Financing for Students
6 years ago
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where's the update?!
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