Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Job Marketing Looking Grimmer

I am not a big fan of continuously posting negative news but I feel that not posting the realty of the times is a disservice to my readers.  CNN recently posted on article with some job hiring statistical data worth noting:
  • Employers said they planned to hire just 1.3% more graduates in 2009, a large drop from the 6% projection
  • National unemployment is expected to be as high as 7% in Spring 2009, a rate not since met since 1993
  • A sociology major applied to 60 positions only hearing back from 4 and settled for a part time position at a law firm
  • Consider jobs outside the traditional role; Business majors should apply for finance-related positions in health care
Yes it looks bleak but this gives many a reason to try different career paths before settling while the job market stabilize.  I have provided a link the to the article below.


Dee Dee said...

So many people end up with careers outside of their collegiate sphere of influence which is okay as long as they like what they do and can support themselves doing it.
Many are turning to networking. I know my family has done that. It is a way to have a plan B, and keep Uncle Sam out of your pocket (as much.)
I agree the job markets going to have to get better soon.

Teh_Brian said...

Many students I know are part time employed while going to school and worry about losing their jobs. To those students I'd say keep up the productivity and show that you are interested in work. Chances are that people that are the least productive and don't fit into the company's culture well will be the ones going first.